Sunday, October 11, 2009

A day in dc

Ok first let me back track to last night when we almost killed each other and ourselves trying to find our hotel. Driving in dc, officially not recommended. But the hotel is very nice and we crashed pretty quickly once we got settled.

This morning we got an early start around 7 and were two of very few people - mostly joggers - out around the monuments. The vietnam wall was surreal. We were walking along and there was an old man and his family looking at the wall and he was crying. You would have had to have been numb not to be moved.

Then on to the lincoln which was incredible as expected. Walking along the reflecting pool we spotted the world war memorial in the woods. It's a very pretty dome-shaped monument which we loved, but unfortunately the path was breaking up and I ended up turning my ankle. Considering that our entire day revolved around walking, you can imagine how fun that was.

After the monuments we walked up to the white house which was a bit of a waste of time because there was a giant tent blocking the view. Then we stopped and ate a snack, which brought out the squirrels who all but climbed in our laps to get a bite of our crackers. Ronnie kicked at it enough until it finally surrendered and ran away.

The american history museum was amazing. We tooj the docent tour which I highly recommend. We also saw the actual star spangled banner that inspired our anthem, which was something that honestly made you just sit down and stare.

The rest of the day was a mix between hobbling along, sitting and resting, and museum hopping. We took a cab back to the hotel and just got back from an awesome dinne at old ebbitt grill. Time for beddy by, on to boston tomorrow!

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